Monday, November 15, 2010

Pest management

Pests: fungi, disease, insects

If your lawn has a serious problem with any of these 3, I suggest contacts a local expert to help. These problems should not occur in a normal lawn.


The most common diseases that could be found in your lawn are as follows:

"Southwest most (un)wanted: In Arizona Turf expert: Dr. David Kopec, University of Arizona (Tucson).
* Insects. According to Kopec, grubs can be problematic in the Southwest. Desert generally is not a favorable habitat for grubs, but irrigated turf is like an oasis in the middle of a desert, acting like a magnet to draw and concentrate grubs.
Other pests include rove beetles, otherwise beneficial insect predators that bring sand mounds to the turf surface on golf greens, and earthworms, which do likewise. Two species of turfgrass aetenius are becoming more serious pests of tees and greens.
* Weeds. Topping Kopec's list of problem weeds are purple and yellow nutsedge, and chaff or khaki weed (Alternanthera sp.). Others Kopec mentions are wild parsley, Poa annua, several types of spurge and Southwestern cupgrass, which Kopec describes as "our equivalent of crabgrass."
* Diseases. Disease pressure isn't so severe in the dry air of the Southwest, but Kopec says that patch diseases in the fall can severely damage overseeded Poa trivialis and velvet bentgrass." source

-Over watering your turf is the foremost problem to creating a home for a disease or fungi to start.
-If you see mushrooms growing in your turf, look for a pattern of roundness/circular shape in the grass. You can immediately name this pest as fairy ring. There are no known chemical herbicides for this problem, the underneath soil must be removed to help in this case.

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